A Digit Complementary Prime Pair is defined as a pair of prime numbers in which digits in corresponding positions sum to 0 mod 10, e.g. (4721, 6389).
Out of the 136 existing four digit pairs find at least one pair for each of the following requirements (a to f):
a. a reversible prime pair
b. the two primes contain 8 different digits
c. twin primes
d. both primes contain a permutation of 4 consecutive digits
e. first member of the pair contains the 4 prime digits in order
f. each prime contains 3 digits the same
Source: Charles W. Trigg, JRM 22:2, 1990, p 95-97
Bonus: Find a 50 digit DCPP, satisfying a).
Of course the solution to part e is 2357 8753. The other parts are listed below, with the given part identified. The lower number is shown on the left in all cases.
1009 9001 a
1069 9041 a
1097 9013 a
1181 9929 f
1409 9601 a
1487 9623 b
1559 9551 a
1619 9491 a
1949 9161 a
2111 8999 f
2417 8693 b
2741 8369 b
2963 8147 b
2999 8111 f
3067 7043 a
3083 7027 a
3109 7901 a
3407 7603 a
3467 7643 a
3533 7577 f
3803 7207 a
3917 7193 a
4127 6983 b
4253 6857 d
4721 6389 b
5051 5059 c
5503 5507 c
Sorted by the applicable part:
1009 9001 a
1069 9041 a
1097 9013 a
1409 9601 a
1559 9551 a
1619 9491 a
1949 9161 a
3067 7043 a
3083 7027 a
3109 7901 a
3407 7603 a
3467 7643 a
3803 7207 a
3917 7193 a
1487 9623 b
2417 8693 b
2741 8369 b
2963 8147 b
4127 6983 b
4721 6389 b
5051 5059 c
5503 5507 c
4253 6857 d
1181 9929 f
2111 8999 f
2999 8111 f
3533 7577 f
If any had satisfied more than one part, that would have been shown, but no instances of this were found.
5 open "dcompprm.txt" for output as #2
10 P=999
20 dim Digpres(9)
30 while P<9999
40 P=nxtprm(P)
50 erase Digpres()
60 dim Digpres(9)
70 Ps=cutspc(str(P))
80 Cps="":Revs="":Revcs=""
90 Dup=0
100 for I=1 to len(Ps)
110 Digpres(val(mid(Ps,I,1)))=Digpres(val(mid(Ps,I,1)))+1
120 Cps=Cps+cutspc(str((10-val(mid(Ps,I,1)))@10))
130 Revs=mid(Ps,I,1)+Revs
140 Revcs=cutspc(str((10-val(mid(Ps,I,1)))@10))+Revcs
150 next
160 Consec=0:Triple=0
170 for I=3 to 9
180 if Digpres(I)>0 and Digpres(I-1)>0 and Digpres(I-2)>0 and Digpres(I-3)>0 then Consec=1
200 next
202 for I=0 to 9
203 if Digpres(I)=3 then Triple=1
204 if Digpres(I)>1 then Dup=1
205 next
210 Chk=Ps+Cps
220 for I=1 to len(Chk)-1
230 if instr(mid(Chk,I+1,*),mid(Chk,I,1))>0 then Dup=1
240 next
250 Cp=val(Cps)
260 Rev=val(Revs)
270 Revc=val(Revcs)
280 Anstyp=""
290 if prmdiv(Cp)=Cp then
300 :if prmdiv(Rev)=Rev and prmdiv(Revc)=Revc then
310 :Anstyp=Anstyp+"a"
320 :endif
330 :if Dup=0 then
340 :Anstyp=Anstyp+"b"
350 :endif
360 :if nxtprm(P)=Cp or nxtprm(Cp)=P then
370 :Anstyp=Anstyp+"c"
380 :endif
390 :if Consec then
400 :Anstyp=Anstyp+"d"
410 :endif
420 :if Triple then
430 :Anstyp=Anstyp+"f"
440 :endif
450 :if Anstyp>"" and P<Cp then print #2,P;Cp,Anstyp:endif
460 :endif
470 wend
480 close #2
Posted by Charlie
on 2012-06-22 14:41:30 |