There are six different 6-digit positive integers that add up to a seventh 6-digit integer. Interestingly, all seven of these numbers consist of combinations of only two different digits. That is, only two different digits are used to write the complete set of seven numbers--the same two digits in each number.
So far you can't deduce what the numbers are, but if I were to tell you that seventh number, that is, the total, you'd know what the other six numbers were that made up that total.
What are the seven numbers?
From Enigma No. 1702, "All the sixes",by Ian Kay, New Scientist, 16 June 2012, page 32.
I thinks that the statement "
So far you can't deduce what the numbers are, but if I were to tell you that seventh number, that is, the total, you'd know what the other six numbers were that made up that total.
is redundant (especially if defined as D4),- once you decide upon 1 and 8 as the chosen digits it is solvable.
Also the solution is not unique , you may exchange 1s and 8s withinany column as long as the quantity remains within column remains unchanged.
BTW, diaregarding the presentation, I rated it five