Side-tracked from a slightly related problem, I derived this general set of attributes:
{8, 12n, 6n^2, n^2, n}.
The first 5 situations of this generalisation are:
[8, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[8, 12, 6, 1, 1],
[8, 24, 24, 4, 2],
[8, 36, 54, 9, 3],
[8, 48, 96, 16, 4].
What does this set of attributes describe?
(Attributes #1 & #4 may provide clues. Also, take note of the Title.)
(In reply to
re: A Painted Cube by brianjn)
Consider the n+2 size painted cube with all of the all white cubes removed. n^3 cubes are removed leaving a shell white on the inside and red on the outside. n^2 then refers to the number of cubes on one face which can be seen from the center of the hollowed out cube.