Each of the letters in bold represents a base ten digit from 0 to 9 to satisfy these alphametic relationships. None of the numbers can contain any leading zero.
USA is a multiple of UK, and:
SA is a multiple of K
Determine the respective minimum and maximum values that
USA can assume.
(In reply to
computer solution by Charlie)
I shall not offer my computer listing since, while it is not exactly the same as Charlie's, it is similarly structured.
There is one significant difference however which allows for an even lower value for USA. Charlie would get that if his FOR S began with 0 rather than 1.
My table reads:
usa sa uk sa / k
108 8 12 4
120 20 15 4
156 56 12 28
168 68 12 34
168 68 14 17
169 69 13 23
180 80 12 40
180 80 15 16
196 96 14 24
216 16 24 4
273 73 21 73
294 94 21 94
324 24 36 4
372 72 31 72
384 84 32 42
432 32 48 4
492 92 41 92
Edited on January 21, 2013, 9:08 pm
Posted by brianjn
on 2013-01-21 20:34:32 |