Determine all possible triplets (x,y,z) of positive integers with x < y < z < 100 such that: x, y and z (in this order) are in arithmetic sequence and x, y and z+1 are in
harmonic sequence.
Bonus Question:
Amending the restriction to x < y < z, prove that there are an infinity of positive integer triplets satisfying the given conditions.
DECLARE FUNCTION gcd! (x!, y!)
DECLARE FUNCTION lcm! (x!, y!)
FOR x = 1 TO 998
FOR incr = 1 TO 600
IF x + 2 * incr < 999 THEN
y = x + incr
z = y + incr
comDen = lcm(lcm(x, y), z + 1)
a = comDen / x
b = comDen / y
c = comDen / (z + 1)
IF b - a = c - b THEN
PRINT x - px; incr - pincr, x; y; z; TAB(40); a; b; c
px = x: pincr = incr
FUNCTION gcd (x, y)
dnd = x: dvr = y
IF dnd < dvr THEN SWAP dnd, dvr
q = INT(dnd / dvr)
r = dnd - q * dvr
dnd = dvr: dvr = r
gcd = dnd
FUNCTION lcm (x, y)
lcm = x * y / gcd(x, y)
delta verification of
x incr x y z inverses in arithmetic seq.
3 1 3 4 5 4 3 2
7 1 10 12 14 6 5 4
11 1 21 24 27 8 7 6
15 1 36 40 44 10 9 8
19 1 55 60 65 12 11 10
23 1 78 84 90 14 13 12
27 1 105 112 119 16 15 14
31 1 136 144 152 18 17 16
35 1 171 180 189 20 19 18
39 1 210 220 230 22 21 20
43 1 253 264 275 24 23 22
47 1 300 312 324 26 25 24
51 1 351 364 377 28 27 26
55 1 406 420 434 30 29 28
59 1 465 480 495 32 31 30
63 1 528 544 560 34 33 32
67 1 595 612 629 36 35 34
71 1 666 684 702 38 37 36
75 1 741 760 779 40 39 38
79 1 820 840 860 42 41 40
83 1 903 924 945 44 43 42
The first six are the ones under 100 that are asked for.
The arithmetic progression of the delta-x's indicates that the x values have a quadratic relationship to the line number, and some algebra shows that x = 2n^2 + n is the relation between the line number n, and x. The increment increases by 1 for each line, and is just n.
So x, y and z are:
n*(2*n+1), n*(2*n+2) and n*(2*n+3)
The reciprocals that go into confirming the harmonic progression are:
1/(n*(2*n+1)), 1/(n*(2*n+2)) and 1/(n*(2*n+3)+1)
which of course have to be converted to a common denominator, simplified and scaled to give the numbers shown above on the right.
Posted by Charlie
on 2013-01-25 12:34:46 |