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Conga Primes (Posted on 2013-03-23) Difficulty: 3 of 5

x^2-y^2 = y^2-z^2 = 5 is a classic problem that can be solved in the rationals, with, e.g.:

(49/12)2-(41/12)2 = (41/12)2-(31/12)2 = 5 (Fibonacci).

We seek non-trivial rational solutions to x^2-y^2 = y^2-z^2 = P, with P prime. Since we can always find compound multiples of such solutions with other primes happily joining the chain, let's call these paragons 'conga primes'. (Conversely, primes that only appear in conjunction with other primes could be 'tango primes', since it takes at least two...)

1. Solve over the rationals:
x^2-y^2 = y^2-z^2 = 7
x^2-y^2 = y^2-z^2 = 41

2. Give an example of a 'conga prime', P, greater than 41, such that x^2-y^2 = y^2-z^2 = P.

See The Solution Submitted by broll    
Rating: 3.0000 (1 votes)

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Some Thoughts still no luck on part 2 | Comment 6 of 11 |

By not going after only one equation at a time, as Jer had started to do, rather than both equations simultaneously, the process is speeded up considerably. The following program produces a file of candidates, using just one equation:

DATA 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59
DATA 61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113
OPEN "conga prime 2.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
DIM prm(30)
FOR i = 1 TO 30: READ prm(i): NEXT

FOR tot = 3 TO 999999
    FOR a = -INT(-tot / 2) TO tot - 1
        b = tot - a
        IF b < a THEN
            b2 = b * b
            diff = a * a - b * b
            FOR p = 14 TO 30
                q = diff / prm(p)
                IF q = INT(q) THEN
                    sr = INT(SQR(q) + .5)
                    IF sr * sr = q THEN
                        IF gcd(gcd(a, b), sr) = 1 THEN
                            PRINT USING "#######"; a; b, sr, prm(p)
                            PRINT #2, USING "#######"; a; b, sr, prm(p)
                        END IF
                    END IF
                END IF
        END IF
NEXT tot

FUNCTION gcd (x, y)
dnd = x: dvr = y
IF dnd < dvr THEN SWAP dnd, dvr
    q = INT(dnd / dvr)
    r = dnd - q * dvr
    dnd = dvr: dvr = r
gcd = dnd

When the program was stopped after getting numbers over 100,000 and the output is formatted by another program we get over 8500 results for 43 alone and over 110,000 results for primes up to 113. Here's a sampling of a few:

(99437/15164)^2 - (21/15164)^2 =  43
(3482/531)^2 - (1/531)^2 =  43
(53771/8200)^2 - (21/8200)^2 =  43
(72322/11029)^2 - (39/11029)^2 =  43
(124093/18924)^2 - (91/18924)^2 =  43
(22033/3360)^2 - (17/3360)^2 =  43
(72263/11020)^2 - (63/11020)^2 =  43
(130198/19855)^2 - (123/19855)^2 =  43
(103142/15729)^2 - (101/15729)^2 =  43
(130939/19968)^2 - (133/19968)^2 =  43
(34361/5240)^2 - (39/5240)^2 =  43
(22774/3473)^2 - (27/3473)^2 =  43
(41266/6293)^2 - (57/6293)^2 =  43
(77509/11820)^2 - (109/11820)^2 =  43
(58958/8991)^2 - (91/8991)^2 =  43
(120598/18391)^2 - (189/18391)^2 =  43
(112034/17085)^2 - (191/17085)^2 =  43
(10387/1584)^2 - (19/1584)^2 =  43
(139418/21261)^2 - (289/21261)^2 =  43
(4223/644)^2 - (9/644)^2 =  43
(52558/8015)^2 - (117/8015)^2 =  43
(49417/7536)^2 - (119/7536)^2 =  43
(117431/17908)^2 - (303/17908)^2 =  43
(95234/14523)^2 - (247/14523)^2 =  43
(137969/21040)^2 - (369/21040)^2 =  43
(46958/7161)^2 - (131/7161)^2 =  43
(7246/1105)^2 - (21/1105)^2 =  43
(58309/8892)^2 - (173/8892)^2 =  43
(15574/2375)^2 - (51/2375)^2 =  43
(67201/10248)^2 - (223/10248)^2 =  43
(79234/12083)^2 - (273/12083)^2 =  43
(82939/12648)^2 - (293/12648)^2 =  43
(79798/12169)^2 - (291/12169)^2 =  43
(19279/2940)^2 - (71/2940)^2 =  43
(94618/14429)^2 - (369/14429)^2 =  43
(12433/1896)^2 - (49/1896)^2 =  43
(87713/13376)^2 - (351/13376)^2 =  43
(121294/18497)^2 - (507/18497)^2 =  43
(12374/1887)^2 - (53/1887)^2 =  43
(36322/5539)^2 - (159/5539)^2 =  43
(110953/16920)^2 - (503/16920)^2 =  43
(129478/19745)^2 - (597/19745)^2 =  43
(24971/3808)^2 - (117/3808)^2 =  43
(30899/4712)^2 - (147/4712)^2 =  43
(65726/10023)^2 - (323/10023)^2 =  43
(136921/20880)^2 - (679/20880)^2 =  43

However, using a program to match up fractions, no pairs of such equations were found sharing a fraction as specified in the puzzle.

The matchup was attempted by first expanding the records to include a decimal version of one of the fractions and then using another program to do a binary search looking for mathes on the sorted file:

OPEN "congap.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1
OPEN "congap.txt" FOR BINARY AS #2
OPEN "congarst.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #3
rec1$ = SPACE$(46)
rec2$ = rec1$

  LINE INPUT #1, l$: pn = 1
  prm = VAL(MID$(l$, 22, 7))
  prm0 = prm
  strt = pn
  WHILE prm = prm0 AND EOF(1) = 0
    LINE INPUT #1, l$: pn = pn + 1
    prm = VAL(MID$(l$, 22, 7))
  fin = pn - 1
  PRINT prm0, strt; fin
  FOR n = strt TO fin
    GET #2, (n - 1) * 46 + 1, rec1$
    num = VAL(MID$(rec1$, 1, 7))
    den = VAL(MID$(rec1$, 15, 7))
    f = num / den
    low = strt: high = fin
      mid = INT((low + high) / 2)
      GET #2, (mid - 1) * 46 + 1, rec2$
      f2 = VAL(MID$(rec2$, 29, 16))
      IF f2 > f THEN high = mid - 1
      IF f2 < f THEN low = mid + 1
    LOOP UNTIL low >= high OR f2 = f
    rat = f / f2
    IF ABS(rat - 1) < .000000001# THEN
       PRINT LEFT$(rec1$, 44): PRINT rec2$
       PRINT #3, LEFT$(rec1$, 44): PRINT #3, rec2$
    END IF
  NEXT n


  Posted by Charlie on 2013-03-26 14:21:36
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