How can you divide an angle into 3 equal angles? You may only use a
straightedge and a compass to achieve this.
(This means : You have an angle A, you divide Angle A into 3 Angles B,C,D. And B=C=D=A/3)
Note: vohonam clarified that the problem actually only gives you a straightedge, not a ruler.
(In reply to
re(4): The next problem after this... by levik)
It's Fermat's Last Theorem.
Fermat scribbled it in the margin of a book he was writing (back in the mid 17th-century), along with the comment "I've found a remarkable proof of this fact, but there is not enough space in the margin to write it."
Three and a half centuries passed and no-one was able to prove it. Until less than 10 years ago, when Andrew Wiles, a Cambridge mathematician, proved it - the solution he has is apparently about 150 pages in length and uses mathematical techniques not available even in the 19th century, let alone in the 17th.
So still no-one knows how Fermat believed to have solved it so simply...