3 and 5 are twin primes, and the 3rd and 5th Fibonacci numbers are both prime. 5 and 7 are twin primes, and the 5th and 7th Fibonacci numbers are both prime. 11 and 13 are twin primes, and the 11th and 13th Fibonacci numbers are both prime. Are there any other twin prime pairs (p, p+2) such that the pth and (p+2)th Fibonacci numbers are both prime?
(In reply to
re: Exploration by Daniel)
The new findings from Mathematica point out a flaw in my program. It relied on the prmdiv function of UBASIC to return the same number as its argument for prime values. However, beyond somewhere near the 72nd Fibonacci number, 498454011879264, UBASIC returns a zero as the prmdiv, instead of crashing, misleadingly making the number seem to be not prime, as diagnosed by:
10 OldFib=1:Fib=1:NewFib=2:FibNo=2
20 while Ct<47
30 NxtFib=Fib+NewFib
40 OldFib=Fib:Fib=NewFib:NewFib=NxtFib
50 inc FibNo
55 if prmdiv(NewFib)=0 then print "stopping at F(";FibNo;")",Fib:end
60 if prmdiv(OldFib)=OldFib and prmdiv(NewFib)=NewFib then
70 :print FibNo-1;OldFib,FibNo+1;NewFib,:inc Ct
80 :if prmdiv(FibNo-1)=FibNo-1 and prmdiv(FibNo+1)=FibNo+1 then
90 :print "*":else print
100 wend
2 1 4 3
3 2 5 5 *
5 5 7 13 *
11 89 13 233 *
stopping at F( 72 ) 498454011879264
A modified program, using a probabilitstic prime test, produces the same results as the Mathematica findings:
10 OldFib=1:Fib=1:NewFib=2:FibNo=2
20 while Ct<47
30 NxtFib=Fib+NewFib
40 OldFib=Fib:Fib=NewFib:NewFib=NxtFib
50 inc FibNo
60 if fnPrime(OldFib)=1 and fnPrime(NewFib)=1 then
70 :print FibNo-1;OldFib,FibNo+1;NewFib,:inc Ct
80 :if fnPrime(FibNo-1)=1 and fnPrime(FibNo+1)=1 then
90 :print "*":else print
100 wend
980 end
990 '
10000 fnOddfact(N)
10010 local K=0,P
10030 while N @ 2=0
10040 N=N
10050 K=K+1
10060 wend
10070 P=pack(N,K)
10080 return(P)
10090 '
10100 fnPrime(N)
10110 local I,X,J,Y,Q,K,T,Ans
10115 if N=2 then Ans=1:goto *EndPrime
10120 if N=1 or N @ 2=0 then Ans=0:goto *EndPrime
10125 O=fnOddfact(N-1)
10130 Q=member(O,1)
10140 K=member(O,2)
10150 I=0
10160 repeat
10170 repeat
10180 X=fnLrand(N)
10190 until X>1
10200 J=0
10210 Y=modpow(X,Q,N)
10220 loop
10230 if or{and{J=0,Y=1},Y=N-1} then goto *ProbPrime
10240 if and{J>0,Y=1} then goto *NotPrime
10250 J=J+1
10260 if J=K then goto *NotPrime
10270 Y=(Y*Y)@N
10280 endloop
10290 *ProbPrime
10300 I=I+1
10310 until I>50
10320 Ans=1
10330 goto *EndPrime
10340 *NotPrime
10350 Ans=0
10360 *EndPrime
10370 return(Ans)
10380 '
10400 fnLrand(N)
10410 local R
10415 N=int(N)
10420 R=(int(rnd*10^(alen(N)+2)))@N
10430 return(R)
10440 '
10500 fnNxprime(X)
10510 if N @ 2=0 then X=X+1
10520 while fnPrime(X)=0
10530 X=X+2
10540 wend
10550 return(X)
10560 '
3 2 5 5 *
5 5 7 13 *
11 89 13 233 *
431 529892711006095621792039556787784670197112759029534506620905162834769955134424689676262369
433 1387277127804783827114186103186246392258450358171783690079918032136025225954602593712568353 *
569 36684474316080978061473613646275630451100586901195229815270242868417768061
571 96041200618922553823942883360924865026104917411877067816822264789029014378308478864192589084185254331637646183008074629 *
Edited on May 4, 2013, 11:21 am
Posted by Charlie
on 2013-05-04 11:20:35 |