With at least one piece of each type on the board, what is the maximum number of chess pieces you can place on a chessboard, such that no piece is under attack?
(In reply to
Oof. I sincerely appreciate the desire of many folks on this site to push for specificity of language in problems, and I enjoy the various "solutions" people come up with to test or undermine the unstated assumptions that are often built into the problems posted here -- such as brianjn's trivial solution below. But it strikes me as an exaggeration (not to mention a bit rude!) to say that this problem is "extremely badly worded, vague and misleading."
It seems to me that this puzzle is pretty obviously a variation on the classic "eight queens" puzzle and as such presupposes that the color of the pieces should be ignored. I suppose it would have been slightly more accurate and clear if DAK had formulated his last statement as "such that no space containing a piece is potentially under attack," or if he had explicitly stated "Ignore color." But it was perfectly clear to me, at least, what was meant and what the point of the problem is.
I guess I don't really see the point in posting these sorts of trivial non-solutions if one is only doing it to be snarky. Or perhaps you're not simply trying to be snarky, Ady, but your post comes across that way to me.
Am I the only one enjoying trying to "actually" solve the problem? Has anyone been able to come up with a "real" solution with more than 22 pieces?
Posted by Jyqm
on 2013-11-24 11:49:33 |