Please scrutinize the following sets of integers:
S1 (2, 5, 8)
S2 (22, 55, 888, 201)
S3 (232, 88781, 20)
S4 (1, 635, 5, 868, 781, 20 ,115)
S5 (26, 3 ,19, 110, 35, 544, 82, 68, 781, 207)
S6 (3 ,14, 15, 926, 535)
I am choosing one random member from each set :
e.g. 2, 888, 20, 1, 544 and 926.
Sum of those numbers apparently ends by 1.
How many distinct results generated this way will terminate by 1?
How many by a zero digit?
Any comments?