10 while Ct<44
20 P0=nxtprm(P0) ' p0 is n
30 Sum=P0:P1=P0
40 for I=2 to P0
50 P1=nxtprm(P1)
60 Sum=Sum+P1
70 next
80 P2=prm(P0)
90 Prod=P0*P2
95 if Sum=Prod then
100 :print P0,Sum;Prod
102 :print P0;:P1=P0:for I=2 to P0:P1=nxtprm(P1):print P1;:next
103 :print:print
110 :inc Ct
120 wend
stops while attempting to find the 12,253th prime, but up to that time, it finds only two solutions:
3 15 15
3 5 7
7 119 119
7 11 13 17 19 23 29
The sum of 3 consecutive primes starting with 3, and of 7 consecutive primes starting with 7 are respectively equal to the 3 times the third prime (5) and 7 times the 7th prime (17).
The respective sets of 3 and of 7 primes are shown below the initial prime and the sum involved and the (equal) product involved.
Posted by Charlie
on 2014-03-20 15:34:49 |