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Integer Illation (Posted on 2014-06-10) Difficulty: 3 of 5
N is a ten digit positive integer having the form ABCDEFGHIJ, where each of the letters represent a different digit from 0 to 9.

Find the value of N, given that:
1.   Either A = B/3 or A = G + 3.
2.   Either B = I - 4 or B = E + 4.
3.   Either C = J + 2 or C = F*3.
4.   Either D = G*4 or D = E/3.
5.   Either E = J - 1 or E = D/4.
6.   Either F = B*2 or F = A - 4.
7.   Either G = F + 1 or G = I - 3.
8.   Either H = A/2 or H = C*3.
9.   Either I = H + 3 or I = D/2.
10.  Either J = H - 2 or J = C*2.
*** The or definition is exclusive for each of the ten parts.

See The Solution Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 5.0000 (2 votes)

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Solution computer solution | Comment 1 of 4
Private Sub Form_Load()
 ChDir "C:\Program Files (x86)\DevStudio\VB\projects\flooble"
 Text1.Text = ""
 crlf$ = Chr(13) + Chr(10)
 Form1.Visible = True
 s$ = "0123456789": hold$ = s$
   a = Val(Mid(s$, 1, 1))
   b = Val(Mid(s$, 2, 1))
   c = Val(Mid(s$, 3, 1))
   d = Val(Mid(s$, 4, 1))
   e = Val(Mid(s$, 5, 1))
   f = Val(Mid(s$, 6, 1))
   g = Val(Mid(s$, 7, 1))
   h = Val(Mid(s$, 8, 1))
   i = Val(Mid(s$, 9, 1))
   j = Val(Mid(s$, 10, 1))
   good = 1
   If Not ((b = 3 * a) Xor (a = g + 3)) Then good = 0: GoTo bad
   If Not ((b = i - 4) Xor (b = e + 4)) Then good = 0: GoTo bad
   If Not ((c = j + 2) Xor (c = f * 3)) Then good = 0: GoTo bad
   If Not ((d = 4 * g) Xor (e = d * 3)) Then good = 0: GoTo bad
   If Not ((e = j - 1) Xor (d = 4 * e)) Then good = 0: GoTo bad
   If Not ((f = 2 * b) Xor (f = a - 4)) Then good = 0: GoTo bad
   If Not ((g = f + 1) Xor (g = i - 3)) Then good = 0: GoTo bad
   If Not ((a = 2 * h) Or (h = c * 3)) Then good = 0: GoTo bad
   If Not ((i = 3 + h) Or (d = i * 2)) Then good = 0: GoTo bad
   If Not ((j = h - 2) Or (j = c * 2)) Then good = 0: GoTo bad
   If good Then
     Text1.Text = Text1.Text & s$ & crlf
   End If
   permute s$
 Loop Until s$ = hold$
 Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "done"
End Sub



and it works equally well with Or as with Xor.

  Posted by Charlie on 2014-06-10 15:18:45
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