157 is a prime with a very peculiar attribute: placed either after the previous prime or prior to the next prime produces
prime numbers (
151157 and
157163 respectively).
257 posesses the same feature.
So do many other primes,
4 of them below
Please list them.
Sets of three successive primes that form primes that answer the puzzle follow:
151 157 163
251 257 263
257 263 269
523 541 547
1181 1187 1193
1453 1459 1471
2161 2179 2203
7883 7901 7907
7901 7907 7919
9181 9187 9199
11393 11399 11411
11719 11731 11743
15601 15607 15619
16381 16411 16417
16741 16747 16759
18329 18341 18353
19013 19031 19037
24251 24281 24317
34963 34981 35023
40459 40471 40483
40591 40597 40609
40597 40609 40627
47563 47569 47581
48017 48023 48029
49211 49223 49253
49499 49523 49529
57041 57047 57059
64793 64811 64817
69557 69593 69623
80651 80657 80669
80989 81001 81013
83987 84011 84017
89051 89057 89069
89107 89113 89119
90679 90697 90703
91873 91909 91921
95443 95461 95467
DefDbl A-Z
Dim wd(10) As String, w As String, sz, crlf$
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = ""
crlf$ = Chr(13) + Chr(10)
Form1.Visible = True
p1 = nxtprm(0): p2 = nxtprm(p1): p3 = nxtprm(p2)
long1 = Val(LTrim(Str(p1)) + LTrim(Str(p2)))
long2 = Val(LTrim(Str(p2)) + LTrim(Str(p3)))
If prmdiv(long1) = long1 And prmdiv(long2) = long2 Then
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & p1 & Str(p2) & Str(p3) & crlf
End If
p1 = p2: p2 = p3: p3 = nxtprm(p3)
Loop Until p1 > 100000
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "done"
End Sub
Function prmdiv(num)
Dim n, dv, q
If num = 1 Then prmdiv = 1: Exit Function
n = Abs(num): If n > 0 Then limit = Sqr(n) Else limit = 0
If limit <> Int(limit) Then limit = Int(limit + 1)
dv = 2: GoSub DivideIt
dv = 3: GoSub DivideIt
dv = 5: GoSub DivideIt
dv = 7
Do Until dv > limit
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 4 '11
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 2 '13
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 4 '17
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 2 '19
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 4 '23
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 6 '29
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 2 '31
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 6 '37
If n > 1 Then prmdiv = n
Exit Function
q = Int(n / dv)
If q * dv = n And n > 0 Then
prmdiv = dv: Exit Function
Exit Do
End If
End Function
Function nxtprm(x)
Dim n
n = x + 1
While prmdiv(n) < n
n = n + 1
nxtprm = n
End Function
Edited on October 23, 2014, 4:08 pm
Posted by Charlie
on 2014-10-23 16:07:43 |