There is a serious error in my presentation- double counting-
I leave the erroneous text unchanged and recommend to see my revised solution
I have written directly into the space allowed for comment and
by mistake lost everything.
Too tired to restart it - I will just present shortly the method:
since 2016=2^4*3^2*7 there are 5*3*2=36 ways to represent
2016 as a product a*b where a is the # of members and b the average of those members : 1*2016, 2*1008, 3*672...21*96...
96*21 ...1008*2, 2016*1.
To each of those pairs corresponds a sequence with positive numbers only, from the 1st 18 one can create another 18 by adding a series consisting of positive and negative numbers cancelling each other .
Edited on January 24, 2015, 3:00 am