2016 as a product a*b where a is the # of members and b the average of those members : 1*2016, 2*1008, 3*672...21*96...
96*21 ...1008*2, 2016*1.
To each of those pairs corresponds an arithmetic sequence uniquely defined by a,b,d (d=2) :
e.g. 3*672=>670,672,674; 21*96=>76,78,80, ..., 96, ...114,116.
There are 36 pairs of a*b, if listed by increasing a we get first
eighteen consisting of positive numbers only, and for every sequence S(i) defined by a(i),b(i) there exists a corresponding
sequence S(j) such that j=37-i and a(i)=b(j) & a(j)=b(i):
S(2) with a*b=2*1008 corresponds to S(35) generated by 1008*2 .
However the first two sequences hardly fit the definition of arithmetic progression ( sequence of numbers such that the difference of any two successive members of the sequence is a constant):
2016 - there are no successive members,
1007,1009 - no constant difference.
The total number of arithmetic sequences - S(3) to S(36) - is 34.
Edited on January 24, 2015, 2:56 am