(In reply to
re: Depending on what's allowed. by broll)
The Roman numerals used for fractions are not in 'modern use', but they are Roman representations of numerals:
• = 1/12
•• = 1/6 (alternatively, : )
••• = 1/4 (alternatively, ∴ )
•••• = 1/3 (alternatively, :: )
••••• = 5/12 (alternatively, :·:)
S = 1/2
I = 1
II = 2
III = 3
IIII = 4 <- a non-standard, yet alternate form
V = 5
X = 10
XIX = 19
XX = 20
XXX = 30
L = 50
C = 100
CXC = 190
CC = 200
CCC = 300
D = 500
A system of representing large numbers is the use of the overline to represent a multiple of 1000. For even larger numbers a vertical line was placed before and after the numeral to represent an additional multiplier of 100. (The use of the underline here is used in place of the overline.)
M = 1000 alternatively, I
MCM = 1900
MM = 2000 alternatively, II
MMM = 3000 alternatively, III
V = 5000
X = 10000
XIX = 19000
XX = 20000
XXX = 30000
L = 50000
C = 100000 alternatively, |I|
CXC = 190000
CC = 200000 alternatively, |II|
CCC = 300000 alternatively, |III|
D = 500000 alternatively, |V|
M = 1000000 alternatively, |X|
MCM = 1900000 alternatively, |XIX|
MM = 2000000 alternatively, |XX|
MMM = 3000000 alternatively, |XXX|
|L| = 5000000
|C| = 10000000
|CXC| = 19000000
|CC| = 20000000
|CCC| = 30000000
|D| = 50000000
|M| = 100000000
|MCM| = 190000000
|MM| = 200000000
|MMM| = 300000000
Given the number of characters used in its representation, |MMM| is the largest palindrome in the representation of modern Roman numerals.
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2015-04-07 15:43:31 |