The largest palindrome expressable as a product of two 2-digit numbers is
9009 = 91 × 99.
What is the largest palindrome that is a product of two 3-digit numbers?
Source: Project Euler.
(In reply to
re: program solution by broll)
Thanks for this comment. I would not have looked up Project Euler except for your comment; it looks quite interesting to me as you might imagine, but the mere mention of it in the puzzle itself did not pique my interest.
On the run time, however, as the scheme I used took 0.552 seconds to run, additional time spent in analysis would not have lowered the overall solving time. I'm sure that if I hadn't shown intermediate results it would have been even quicker than 0.552 seconds. In fact, rerunning, saving the a and b values for the end reduces the run time to 0.365 seconds, so much of the time was spent adding intermediate findings to the text box, as opposed to calculating them.
But again, I do appreciate the spur to look up Project Euler.
Had fun doing #104 Pandigital Fibonacci Ends; this seems about the limit of my abilities right now. The latest puzzles look like more of a challenge.
Edited on April 28, 2015, 11:13 am
Posted by Charlie
on 2015-04-28 08:11:18 |