Start with a bag containing 5 white beans. Randomly draw one at a time employing the following rule:
If the bean is white, color it black and put it back in the bag;
If the bean is black, keep it out.
What is the probability that at some point there will be a single white bean in the bag?
Generalize to start with N beans.
Does the probability converge, and if so, to what value?
(In reply to
re:Correcting My previous analytical solution by Dan Rosen)
I haven't checked all your equations, but this one immediately stands out:
Actually P(2,,3,2) should be P(1,4,1) * 4/5.
These are basically the equivalents (when corrected) of my step-by-step calculations that come up with 0.3055388888888888888 .
Posted by Charlie
on 2015-07-15 16:39:37 |