What is the first 10-digit number in the decimal expansion of pi that contains each digit exactly once?
(In reply to
re: computer solution by Jer)
I am truly surprised that you are surprised!
Mathematician should not be shocked that an event with an a priori (=calculated before the event) low probability pops up too soon. BTW 2% is not low, maybe 10^(-20) is.
It is a common fallacy to confuse a priori and a posteriori results, especially considering random sequences.
Consider two examples, both based on the pi expansion chain, presented by Charlie:
1st: What is the probability that the first zero appears after 32 non-zero digits?
Answers: nil a priori and 100% a posteriori results.
2nd : let the chain 1415926535…ETC (100 digits) be denoted by SEQ100.
What is the probability that SEQ100 (i.e.14159265…ETC ) will be the sequence appearing after the decimal point in the pi expansion chain, presented by Charlie:?
Answers: nil a priori and 100% a posteriori results.
Two minor remarks: in your post
1) 5th row: even s.b. event
2) 8th row: “is perhaps less than expected “ s.b. “is quite close to the expected value”.
It would be nice to correct those two expressions for the benefit of future readers.
Please comment.
Edited on August 22, 2015, 2:28 am