AB° Celsius ≅ BA° Fahrenheit
2*CD° Celsius ≅ DC° Fahrenheit
How much is A+B+C+D?
Rem: XY denotes 10*X+Y
Well, First, F = C*9/5 + 32, not - 32.
The best solution for AB seems to be
28C = 82.4 F
CD is more problematic, as the order of operations is ambiguous.
Does one convert CD and then double, or double and then convert? PEMDAS doesn't seem to cover this.
One interpretation only seems to lead to
2*05C = 10C = 50F, but the leading 0 is not alphametic standard, plus this is exact, not approximate
Or maybe 29C = 84.2F and 2*29 = 58
Or maybe 18C = 64.4F and 2*18 = 36
No, that can't be what is intended.
I am going to go with CD = 05, but I am fairly confident that is not what the author is looking for.
Then 2 + 8 + 0 + 5 = 15