cow, hen, pig, sheep
Justify each of the above as a valid answer for "Odd man out" question.
I know we have had this discussion before, and that some people disagree, but in "Odd man out" questions, I think the "odd man out" should fail to have some affirmative attribute that is shared by the other three.
So, for instance,
Good answers:
A hen is not a mammal (like the other 3)
A hen does not have 4 legs (like the other 3)
Not as good answers:
A hen is the only one with wings.
A cow is the only one with letters in alphabetical order.
A Sheep is the only one that is last in the list.
A pig is the only one that is a pig.
Yes, I know that the three of the 4 are non-winged.
And three of the 4 are not in alphabetical order.
And three of the 4 are not in last place.
And three of the 4 are not pigs.
But none of those are affirmative attributes. They are all negations of an attribute.
So, 3 of Charlie's 5 justifications do not meet my admittedly exacting and nitpicky standard. MathMan's meets my test, because sheep is the only one that is not 3 letters.
Glad I got that off my chest! (Again).