A certain salesman, called Mark O.V. delivers his goods to three cities:
C1, C2, & C3, staying only for one day at a time in each of them.
His stay in
C1 is always followed by going next to
If he delivers in either
C2 or
C3 he is thrice as likely to continue to
C1, than to the other city.
Provide your estimate of the number of working days in each of the cities
within a period of 12,000 working days.
(In reply to
re: An by Charlie)
It looks like you merely verified what you derived by other means. My solution shows how to simplify things down and reason out the solution. Our methods aren't all that different. I just wondered if mine was more like what Ady was looking for.
Posted by Jer
on 2016-05-29 21:05:33 |