You meet three blonde women, A, B, and C. Each of them is either a knight or a liar. Exactly one of them is Elle Woods.
A:I am Elle Woods.
B:I am Elle Woods.
C:At least two of us are liars.
What are A, B, and C, and who is Elle Woods?
Evidentally, A or B (or both) must be a liar.
Suppose C is also a liar. Then C's statement would be true, which is not possible. Since therefore C must be a knight, it follows from C's statement that A and B are both liars.
So only C can be Elle Woods.
(But maybe all of them are implicitly lying about the colour of their hair.)
?- blondewomen(A,B,C).
A = a(0,0),
B = b(0,0),
C = c(1,1)
:- op(1050, xfy, =>). % operator definition '=>'
X => Y :- \+ X, !. % de Morgan: (P -> Q) <=> (~P v Q)
X => Y :- Y.
blondewomen(a(S1,E1),b(S2,E2),c(S3,E3)) :-
TruthSum is (S1+S2+S3),
((S1=1) => (E1=1)),
((S2=1) => (E2=1)),
((S3=1) => (TruthSum =<1)),
((S1=0) => \+ (E1=1)),
((S2=0) => \+ (E2=1)),
((S3=0) => \+ (TruthSum =<1)),
EW_identitySum is (E1+E2+E3),
EW_identitySum is 1.
Posted by ollie
on 2016-12-19 14:51:11 |