What is the smallest zeroless pandigital number in Fibonacci series?
Bonus: find the next smallest zeroless "pandifibo" number.
n F(n)
125 59425114757512643212875125
184 127127879743834334146972278486287885163
4 kill "pandfibo.txt":open "pandfibo.txt" for output as #2
5 A=1:B=1:Lvl=2
10 while C<9999999999999999999999999999999999999999
20 C=A+B:A=B:B=C:inc Lvl
30 S$=str(C)
50 Good=1
60 for I=1 to 9
70 if instr(S$,cutspc(str(I)))=0 then Good=0:cancel for:goto 90
80 next
90 if Good then
91 :if instr(S$,"0")=0 then print C:Ct=Ct+1:print #2,Lvl,C
100 wend
110 print Ct:close #2
The 3-digit numbers preceding the F numbers are the ordinal position of these Fibonacci numbers, in the system where F(1)=F(2)=1.
No further results come from even over 200 9's in line 10. The probability of avoiding any zeros is probably too low with increased numbers of digits. In fact even if C is allowed to go up to 10^999, no further examples are found. There could be a hypothesis that there are no further examples beyond these two (proof anyone), or a probability that no further examples exist, based on an infinite series of probabilities for the infinite series of Fibonacci's that increase in length at a regular rate.
Posted by Charlie
on 2017-04-29 13:57:59 |