To determine who plays first in a game of Scrabble, each player draws a tile and the one closest to A wins, except if one draws a blank tile. A blank tile beats any letter.
If there are only two players, what is the probability they both draw the same letter or both draw a blank?
The letters (and counts) are
E (12); A, I (9); O (8); N, R, T (6); D, L, S, U (4); G (3); B, C, F, H, M, P, V, W, Y (2); J, K, Q, X, Z (1); and 2 blanks. -- 100 tiles in all.
Bonus: What if there are more than two players: what is the probability of a tie for who plays first? (subsequent play is to the left so 2nd, etc. player are not determined by the draw).
(In reply to
re: No Subject by Charlie)
Jer has omitted the blanks, so the % is a little higher
Also I guess that the probability should be calculate just on the field where it is posible. This require to exclude before the probability of one or both players drawing one the five single tiles.
Posted by armando
on 2018-01-24 16:10:05 |