six*cinq= trente
The above 9-digit alphametic is solvable (go for it), but the 10-letter English equivalent (
six*five= thirty) is not!
Why not? Where's the contradiction?
Beginning with the french solution: 5409 * 142 = 768078
(please, don't ask me about how I obtain this)
I suppose this puzzle make more sense if the french "six" and the english "six" are rappresented by the same number (in this case 142).
If both puzzles are not linked the solution of the french puzzle do not condition the solution of the english one.
So, if we admit six=142 then five = f 4 v e
f could only be 5 or 6 (no 0,1,2,4 already present; no 7,8,9 because they give a 7-digit product; no 3 because give a product begining with 4)
If f = 6: as y is a par number it could only be 0 or 8 (the others already in use). If it is 0 e = 5 and we have 142 * 64a5 that leads to nothing. And if y=8, then e= 9. But 142 * 64a9 do not match thirty fro each of the free possible values of a.
If f = 5: as y is par number is could be 6, 8 (the other being used or 0 with is no possible for his product is 0). So e = 3, or 8, or 9. Also these leads to no match.
So no possibilities to get thirty from six=142
Edited on February 10, 2018, 6:47 am
Posted by armando
on 2018-02-10 05:05:25 |