There is a tug-o-war competition consisting of rounds upon round that all end in a draw meaning both sides end in equal strength. There are several people of exactly equal strength and are represented by the same symbol. (i.e. all * pull the same, but a * and a @ must be different) Each team is representeed by a series of symbols followed by a dashed line being the rope. On the other side of the rope is the team that was equally matched in strength. Here are some of those rounds:
Again remembering that ll of the above are ties, and assume that position on the rope doesn't matter, who will win the following match?
Start with equations based on the matches listed as ties:
* + % = $
3$ = 2@ + 2% + *
@ = ! + *
From these, derive a few simple forms:
2* + 2% = 2$
3* + 3% = 3$
2@ = 2! + 2*
Combine these with the second given equation:
3$ = 2@ + 2% + *
3* + 3% = 2!+ 2* + 2% + *
% = 2!
Finally, compare the final match:
4! + 2@ (?) 2$ + % + *
4! + 2! + 2* (?) 2* + 2% + % + *
6! + 2* < 6! + 3*
Therefore, the right-hand side wins by a *.
There are any number of numerical values that can be assigned to the characters. ! and * can be assigned any arbitrary values, including zero, with no regard to which is greater.
% is then twice !, @ is the sum of ! and *, and $ is the sum of % and *.
It should be noted that while negative values also fit the system algebraically, if * is assigned a negative value, then naturally the left-hand side wins instead of the right (the right has an extra
Posted by DJ
on 2003-06-22 23:34:56 |