-9, 9, -6, 6, -3, 3, 12, 15, x
Assign an integer to replace x so that the nine integers above can be arranged as a 3*3 magic square.
Rem: For conformity place the number "12" in the left corner of the top row. There are 2 complying squares .
Show both.
Resequence the numbers as
-9, -6, -3, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15.
If x = 0, we have 9 consecutive multiples of 3, which can obviously be made into a 3x3 magic square.
The requested squares are
12 -3 0
-9 3 15
6 9 -6
and its reflection,
12 -9 6
-3 3 9
0 15 -6
Edited on April 3, 2018, 1:35 pm