Consider this game:
You have a 1% chance of winning on the first try. If you win, great!
If you don't, win on the first try, you have a 2% chance of winning on the second try.
If needed you have a 3% chance on the third try and so on until you eventually win.
What is the expected number of tries to win this game?
~= 12.2099606302159803002
5 kill "play2win.txt":open "play2win.txt" for output as #2
10 PWon=0
20 for Round=1 to 100
30 PWin=(1-PWon)*Round//100
35 PWon=PWon+PWin
40 ExpVal=ExpVal+Round*PWin
50 next
60 print ExpVal
65 print #2,ExpVal
70 print:print ExpVal/1
75 print #2,:print #2,ExpVal/1
80 close #2
Posted by Charlie
on 2018-06-15 12:08:54 |