I'm visiting an unfamiliar state. This state has a sales tax of 6.1% but I don't know this. All I know is the tax rate is of the form
a.b% where
a and
b are single digits.
I buy an item at a store and am able to deduce the tax rate from the item's price and the tax amount as listed on the receipt.
What is the minimum cost of the item that would allow me to make such a deduction?
Note: The tax amount listed on the receipt is rounded to the nearest cent.
I have not looked at the slew of other answers, but I like to imagine agreement. At 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2% tax rates a $5.41 item distinguishes itself with 3 unique prices:
$5.73 $5.74 $5.75
raw price before rounding:
5.7346 5.74 5.7454
program taxes
implicit none
real tax(3),cost(3)
integer i,j,icost(3)
data tax/.06,.061,.062/
do i = 1,1000
do j=1,3
print 2,i,icost,cost
2 format(i4,2x,3(i4,2x),2x,3(f7.2,2x))
rabbit-3:~ lord$ tax
541 573 574 575 573.46 574.00 574.54
Edited on August 22, 2018, 3:43 pm