U.S. telephone numbers, including the NPA (area code), contain 10 digits.
The largest area code in the U.S. is 989, which is in Michigan. This part is called the NPA, the second digit of which cannot currently be a 9; in the future, when the current system becomes inadequate, use of a 9 in this position may be allowed. Next is the NXX. This can be as high as 999. The remaining four digits can be as high as 9999.
The largest prime meeting the criteria, formatted as a phone number, is 989-999-9987.
DefDbl A-Z
Dim crlf$
Function mform$(x, t$)
a$ = Format$(x, t$)
If Len(a$) < Len(t$) Then a$ = Space$(Len(t$) - Len(a$)) & a$
mform$ = a$
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = ""
crlf$ = Chr(13) + Chr(10)
Form1.Visible = True
p = 9899999999#
Text1.Text = prvprm(p) & crlf
Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "done"
End Sub
Function prmdiv(num)
Dim n, dv, q
If num = 1 Then prmdiv = 1: Exit Function
n = Abs(num): If n > 0 Then limit = Sqr(n) Else limit = 0
If limit <> Int(limit) Then limit = Int(limit + 1)
dv = 2: GoSub DivideIt
dv = 3: GoSub DivideIt
dv = 5: GoSub DivideIt
dv = 7
Do Until dv > limit
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 4 '11
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 2 '13
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 4 '17
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 2 '19
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 4 '23
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 6 '29
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 2 '31
GoSub DivideIt: dv = dv + 6 '37
If n > 1 Then prmdiv = n
Exit Function
q = Int(n / dv)
If q * dv = n And n > 0 Then
prmdiv = dv: Exit Function
Exit Do
End If
End Function
Function prvprm(x)
Dim n
n = x
While prmdiv(n) < n Or n < 2
n = n - 2
prvprm = n
End Function
Posted by Charlie
on 2018-09-28 10:56:13 |