Find the 6-digit number with no zeros where:
- No digit appears more than once.
- The sum of the last four digits equals twice the sum of the first two.
- The first two digits form a prime number when concatenated.
- Digits 2 and 3 also form a prime.
- Digits 3 and 4 also form a prime.
- Digits 4 and 5 also form a prime.
- Digit 5 itself is also a prime.
- All six digits add up to 33.
The last two digits need not form a prime.
From Mensa Puzzle Calendar 2018 by Fraser Simpson, Workman Publishing, New York. Puzzle for October 9.
(In reply to
p&p soln by Steven Lord)
The wording here is a paraphrase of the wording on the calendar. I don't recall the wording on the calendar and no longer have the page. Also the title was not the same on the calendar, and I might have thought that the word "chain" might trigger some necessity in the minds of solvers that all the pairs were so chained.
Posted by Charlie
on 2018-10-24 16:21:53 |