You are given two straight line segments, each defined by the coordinates of its endpoints. Segment AB goes from (Ax,Ay) to (Bx,By) and segment CD - from (Cx,Cy) to (Dx,Dy).
How would you determine if the two line segments intersect?
(Assume that you can't just draw the lines and see)
(In reply to
No Code, just theory by nikki)
The dictionary definition of an algorithm is that it is a process or set of rules for performing a calculation. What you've given is exactly that - ie a process for performing a calculation that gives the required solution. Just because it's less formal than some of the previous answers doesn't mean it's less valid.
For what it's worth, I used exactly the same method as you - to be honest I didn't even understand half of what Charlie and fried were describing!
Happy floobling :-)
Posted by fwaff
on 2003-07-02 23:20:57 |