This number is,
inter alia, a sum of 3 consecutive primes and can also be represented as a sum of 3 non-zero squares (not necessarily distinct) in 8 different ways.
Find the smallest number fitting the above description.
What else can be added re this number?
(In reply to
computer solution -- hope there are no bugs by Charlie)
I got the same result as Charlie
689 = sum of (227, 229, 233)
[(4, 9, 676),
(4, 324, 361),
(9, 196, 484),
(16, 144, 529),
(36, 169, 484),
(49, 64, 576),
(64, 225, 400),
(144, 256, 289),
(169, 196, 324)]
def isprime(n):
'''check if integer n is a prime'''
n = abs(int(n))
if n < 2:
return False
if n == 2:
return True
if not n & 1:
return False
for x in range(3, int(n**0.5)+1, 2):
if n % x == 0:
return False
return True
def prime_nth(n):
""" output the n-th prime """
global p
if 'p' not in globals():
p = {1:2, 2:3, 3:5, 4:7}
if n in p:
return p[n]
keymax = max(p, key=p.get)
for i in range(keymax+1, n+1):
keymax = max(p, key=p.get)
testNum = p[keymax] +2
while isprime(testNum) == False:
testNum += 2
p[i] = testNum
return p[n]
ansList = [] # will contain sorted list of 3-prime sums with 8 ways
squares8ways = [] # on second pass compile list of triplets of squares
# get smallest, then edit to un-comment 3 lines below
big = 1000
sq_limit = int(prime_nth(big) ** .5)
sqDict = {}
for i in range(1,sq_limit+2): # Make dictionary of squares
sqDict[i] = i*i
sumList = [] # list of sums of 3 consecutive primes
for i in range(1,big-2):
x = p[i]+p[i+1]+p[i+2]
sumDict = {} # Dictionary of sums of 3 primes and how many occurences
for i,val in enumerate(sumList):
sumDict[val] = 0
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
for triplet in combinations_with_replacement(list(sqDict.values()),3):
sumOf3 = triplet[0]+triplet[1]+triplet[2]
# if sumOf3 == 689: #un-comment 2nd pass
# squares8ways.append(triplet) #un-comment 2nd pass
if sumOf3 in sumList:
sumDict[sumOf3] += 1
if sumDict[sumOf3] == 8:
#print(squares8ways) #un-comment 2nd pass
Posted by Larry
on 2020-12-13 15:21:40 |