In one nation, having a daughter is traditionally prefferable to having a son. Therefore, a couple will continue to have children until a daughter is born. Once they have a daughter, they will stop. (Assume that it is possible for a couple to have an unlimited number of children)
If the chance of a boy or a girl being born is equal, what would be the ratio boys to girls in this country?
the answer is not 1/2...I think it is actually 1:1...they work out to be even numbers in the end...for ex: you have 1000 parents...500 girls...500 boys...the 500 try again...250 girls....250 boys...the boys try again...125 girls....125 on and so forth till you get to 1 boy then again to get a girl...then add up all the numbers!....if wrong well sorry works in my mind :o)