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Get one fourth by squaring (Posted on 2022-09-27) Difficulty: 4 of 5
This is in continuation of Get one half by squaring.

Consider this equation:

1/4 = (A1)-2 + (A2)-2 +.....+ (An)-2
where, each of the Ai's is a different positive integer - for all i=1 to n (inclusively).
n must be greater than 1.

  1. Determine the minimum value of n, for which there is at least one solution. Provide at least one valid representation for that smallest value.
  2. Determine the next three possible values of n for which there is a valid solution (At least one representation corresponding to each of the three values of n must be given.)
  3. Determine the maximum value of n that is achievable by way of simulation.

Only as a bonus question, display all possible representations corresponding to the minimum value of n.

No Solution Yet Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 5.0000 (1 votes)

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Some Thoughts The story so far Comment 1 of 1
a1 cannot be 2 as the problem forbids this. So a1>2.

Assume a1 is not 3 or 4. Then:
For n=2, the largest possible sum is 1/5^2+1/6^2, or 0.0671, a contradiction.
For n=3, the largest possible sum is 1/5^2+1/6^2+1/7^2, or 0.0881, a contradiction.
For n=4, the largest possible sum is 1/5^2+1/6^2+1/7^2+1/8^2, or 0.1038, a contradiction.
For n=5, the largest possible sum is 1/5^2+1/6^2+1/7^2+1/8^2+1/9^2, or 0.1161, a contradiction.
For n=6, the largest possible sum is 1/5^2+1/6^2+1/7^2+1/8^2+1/9^2+1/10^2, or 0.1261, a contradiction. Furthermore, the infinite sum of all larger squares is 0.0952, (sum 1 to infinity 1/(n+10)^2= 0.0952) so no number of additional squares will sum to 1/4.

Accordingly a1 is less than 5.

Say n=5, and a1=3. Then 1/3^2+1/5^2+1/6^2+1/7^2+1/8^2= 0.2149, insufficient. a1=4 must be still less, so for n=5, let both a1=3 and a2=4. Then we have the new problem (a3,..a5) = 11/144, or 0.0763. Assume a3 is at least 6. Then 1/6^2+1/7^2+1/8^2 = 0.0638, which is insufficient. 
So, say a1=3, a2=4, a3=5. Then since 1/3^2+1/4^2+1/5^2+1/7^2+1/8^2 is 0.2496, insufficient, the sole remaining candidate is a1=3, a2=4, a3=5, a4=6, a5=7, but this does not equal 1/4.

So n is at least 6.

Say a1=4 and n=6, then we have the new problem (a2,a3,..a6) = 3/16, or 0.1875. But 1/5^2+1/6^2+1/7^2+1/8^2+1/9^2, or 0.1161, which is insufficient.
Say a1=3 and n=6, then we have the new problem (a2,a3,..a6) = 5/36, or 0.1388. Again 1/5^2+1/6^2+1/7^2+1/8^2+1/9^2 is insufficient. 
So let both a1=3 and a2=4, then we have the new problem (a3,..a6) = 11/144, or 0.0763. Assume a3>5, then 1/6^2+1/7^2+1/8^2+1/9^2 =  0.0761, close but insufficient. So let a3=5. Then we have the new problem (a4,..a6)
=131/3600, or 0.0363. 1/9^2+1/10^2+1/11^2 = 0.0306, insufficient, so a4=6 or 7 or 8. 

Say a4=6. Then we have the new problem (a5,a6) = 31/3600, but this has no integer solutions.
Say a4=7. Then we have the new problem (a5,a6) = 2819/176400 but this has no integer solutions.
Say a4=8. Then we have the new problem (a5,a6) = 299/14400 but this has no integer solutions.
Say a4=6, and a5=7, but that is too large.
Say a4=6, and a5=8. but that is too large.
Say a4=7, and a5=8. Then we have the new problem a6 = 251/705600, but this has no integer solution.

So n is at least 7.  Clearly, this method, though exhaustive, becomes exponentially more tedious as n increases. Using the above results I was however able to derive (see note) a solution for n=9, which I conjecture is minimal n for this puzzle.


Since 1/12^2=1/15^2+1/20^2, clearly n=10 is a solution.

Since 1/60^2= 1/65^2+1/156^2, clearly n=11 is also a solution.

Since 1/156^2= 1/195^2+1/260^2, clearly n=12 is also a solution.

Note that, e.g. 1/(12(4z+1))^2=1/(60z+15)^2+1/(80z+20)^2, so it's not obvious to me why there should be a maximum value of n.

Note 2. My conjecture is false. n can be 8: 1/3^2+1/4^2+1/5^2+ 1/7^2+1/8^2+ 1/56^2 +1/168^2+1/840^2, a solution I just found under the original puzzle referenced above. I could have saved myself quite some time!

Edited on September 29, 2022, 3:29 am
  Posted by broll on 2022-09-28 10:25:43

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