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Home > Probability
Four Points in a Square (Posted on 2023-01-12) Difficulty: 4 of 5
Four points are chosen at random inside a square. Each point is chosen by choosing a random x-coordinate and a random y-coordinate.

A convex quadrilateral is drawn with the the four random points as the vertices.

Determine the probability that the center of the square is inside this quadrilateral.

See The Solution Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 5.0000 (3 votes)

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Some Thoughts Randomized and non-random methods | Comment 2 of 10 |
I tried two methods:  one randomized; and one using every combination of integer coordinates in a (of necessity) small grid.
To determine if the four points could form a convex quadrilateral, I made a function isconvex() which takes a list of 8 coordinates (four points) as input and checks if any point is inside the triangle formed by the other 3 points.  If so, then the quadrilateral is not convex.

Another function isinside() checks to see if the origin is inside any of the 4 triangles which can be formed from the 4 points, and the origin is the center of the square.  If true for any of the 4 triangles, then it should also be true for the quadrilateral, whether convex or not.  

I'm sure there are better algorithms for determining convexity and inside-ness, but this is the one I came up with.  I found the Graham scan on Wikipedia but did not implement it.

For the random case, I used coordinates from (-1000,-1000) to (1000,1000) and ran 10000000

Randomized Results:
74.5% of the time, the quadrilateral was convex
Inside 3464671
Outside 3987770
Total 7452441
Probability that the center of the square is inside:  0.465

Not Convex:
Inside 1117576
Outside 1117576
Total 2547559
Probability that the center of the square is inside:  0.439

For the "non random" method, 8 nested loops took quite a computational toll, so the largest grid size I ran was (-4,-4) to (4,4) with integer coefficients.  I denied the possiblity that any point could be (0,0).

"Non Random" Results:
78.8% of the time, the quadrilateral was convex
Inside 14054938
Outside 18239308
Total 32294246
Probability that the center of the square is inside:  0.435

Not Convex:
Inside 3805743
Outside 4860111
Total 8665854
Probability that the center of the square is inside:  0.439

I'll put the code in another post.
  Posted by Larry on 2023-01-12 10:44:18
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