Four points are chosen at random inside a square. Each point is chosen by choosing a random x-coordinate and a random y-coordinate.
A convex quadrilateral is drawn with the the four random points as the vertices.
Determine the probability that the center of the square is inside this quadrilateral.
(In reply to
re: preliminary simulation results by Charlie)
I've added the following code
plot(x,y,'x', 'markersize', 18)
hold on
plot(0,0,1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,'x', 'markersize', 18)
plot(0,0,'x', 'markersize', 18)
grid on
hold off
in places where convex/non-centered, convex/centered, and non-convex determinations were made, with a pause to the program on the hold off statement, and visually the determination matched what the point plots looked like, so I have some confidence in the accuracy of my results.
Posted by Charlie
on 2023-01-12 18:17:52 |