A/B=51/54, C/D=440/493, B/C=29/32
E/F=493/608, and D/E=38/55
Using only pen and paper, how quickly can you evaluate the value of the under noted expression?
v = A/B = 51/54 = 17/18
w = B/C = 29/32
x = C/D = 440/493 = (11*40)/(17*29)
y = D/E = 38/55 = (2*19)/(5*11)
z = E/F = 493/608 = (17*29)/(19*32)
The desired goal = 17 * v * w^2 * x^3 * y^2 * z
numerator factors:
17 17 29 29 11 11 11 40 40 40 2 2 19 19 17 29
denominator factors:
18 32 32 17 17 17 29 29 29 5 5 11 11 19 32
numerator factors:
11 40 40 40 2 2 19
denominator factors:
18 32 32 5 5 32
numerator factors:
11 8 8 8 5 5 5 2 2 19
denominator factors:
18 8 8 8 4 4 4 5 5
numerator factors:
11 5 19
denominator factors:
18 4 4
1045 / 288 = 3.628472222222 ...
Posted by Larry
on 2023-04-09 09:24:26 |