Define sod(x) as the sum of the digits of x.
For example, sod(1245984)= 1+2+4+5+9+8+4= 33.
Devise an algorithm to determine the value of:
Method Three: just run sod(2023**2023) on immediate window of Spyder Python: 30112
I initially skipped over this obvious way because I didn't think it would work.
Method One:
Checking sod(n^n) for the first several integers (OEIS A066588 btw) fails to show an obvious pattern. So this did not work out.
Method Two:
I already had a library of several functions used to multiply large integers by converting to a list of single digits and doing arithmetic operations on lists. I only had to write an exponentiation function.
So the program is a single line of code (plus a gazillion function calls)
Program: print(sum(large_exponentiate(2023,2023)))
Output: 30112
Program: len(large_exponentiate(2023,2023))
Output: 6689
--------- various functions used -----------
----------- none of which was necessary -----------
def sod(n):
""" Input an integer. Returns the Sum of the Digits """
aList = list(str(n))
ans = 0
for c in aList:
ans = ans + int(c)
return ans
def un_bloat(l): # l is the lowercase letter L
""" l is a list of integers some of which are more than one digit
need to be just single digit entries in the list
so this function moves all the carries to the left
outputting a list of single digit integers """
rev_l = l[::-1]
for i, val in enumerate(rev_l[:-1]):
rev_l[i+1] += rev_l[i]//10
rev_l[i] = rev_l[i] % 10
size_of_last_entry = len(str(rev_l[-1]))
while size_of_last_entry > 1:
rev_l[-1] += rev_l[-2]//10
rev_l[-2] = rev_l[-2] % 10
size_of_last_entry -= 1
return rev_l[::-1]
def type_parser(n): # working
""" input n which can be an integer, a string, a list of integers
or a list of strings of integers;
returns a list of integers """
if type(n) == int:
ans = [int(x) for x in str(n)]
if type(n) == str:
ans = [int(x) for x in n]
elif type(n) == list:
if type(n[0]) == int:
ans = n[:]
elif type(n[0]) == str:
ans = [int(x) for x in n]
return un_bloat(ans)
def digit_multiply(n,i):
""" n is a list of integers and i is a single digit """
n = type_parser(n)
if i == 0:
ans = [0 for x in n]
elif i == 1:
ans = n[:]
bloat_ans = [i*x for x in n] # could do this for all cases
return un_bloat(bloat_ans)
return ans
def add2lists(a,b):
""" a and b are lists of integers, output a list of integers
representing their sum """
if len(a) > len(b):
ans = a[:]
shorter = b[:]
ans = b[:]
shorter = a[:]
diff = len(ans) - len(shorter)
for i in range(diff):
for i,val in enumerate(shorter):
ans[i] += val
return un_bloat(ans)
def strip_left(aList):
if aList[0] != 0:
return aList
del aList[0]
return strip_left(aList)
def large_multiply(n,m):
top = type_parser(n)
bot = type_parser(m)
running_sum = []
for i, val in enumerate(reversed(bot)):
one_line = top[:]
for repeat_number in range(i):
running_sum = add2lists(running_sum,digit_multiply(one_line,val))
return strip_left(un_bloat(running_sum))
def large_exponentiate(n,m):
""" return n^m in list format where n is integer or list; m is integer """
listn = type_parser(n)
ans = listn
for i in range(m-1):
ans = large_multiply(ans,listn)
return ans
Posted by Larry
on 2023-06-28 09:51:44 |