Four sisters, Sandra, Olivia, Natalie, and Dakota, were each born in a different one of the following months: September, October, November, and December.
"This is terrible," said Olivia one day. "None of us have an initial that matches the initial of her birth month."
"I don't mind at all," replied the girl who was born in September.
"That's easy for you to say," said Natalie. "I would at least have been pleased if the initial of my birth month was a vowel, but no."
In which month was each girl born?
Olivia wasn't born in September since she's not talking to herself. Nor was Sandra, or the S would match, nor was Natalie who replied to the girl born in Sept. So Dakota was born in September.
Natalie wasn't born in Oct by her comment, nor was Olivia (matching O) or Dakota (born in Sept) so Sandra was born in October.
Natalie wasn't born in November (matching N) and wasn't born in Sept or Oct (since those are taken) so Natalie was born in December.
That leaves Olivia, who must have been born in November, the only month left.
Posted by Paul
on 2023-08-05 23:07:08 |