The letters denote a different base ten digit from 0 to 9. No number can contain any leading zero.
It is known that both the relationships are simultaneously satisfied:
2) (A+A+A+U)2= A+L+U+M+I+N+E
What is the number denoted by ALUMINE?
(In reply to
re: Me think , it’s d0 by Charlie)
If one erases 3 digits out of 10 the remaining numbers' sum will be between 45-24 and 45-3, i,.e. between 21 and 42.
Only 2 square numbers qualify: 25 and 36, implying either 1112 or 1113.
Checking the square of one of them showed 7 distinct digits. Luckily it was 1113. If I were to choose 1112, I would not bother to check the other....
Why not provide the answer as ALUMINE decoded?
No specific reason, not so important.