How many ordered sets of positive integers are there if:
1.Their sum is less than 6
2. There are at most 4 addends
3. None of them is composite.
Please specify how quick were you to get the right answer.
*****,(****/*),***/**+1,***/*/*+2,**/**/*+2,**/*/*/*+3,(*/*/*/*/*) (12)
(****),***/*+1,**/**+1,**/*/*/+2,*/*/*/* (8)
***,**/*+1, */*/* (4)
**/** (1)
* (1)
So, 26, unless say, (1,(1)), is different from ((1),1), or {} is counted, in which case the answer is 'yes'.
Less than 10 seconds to work out the method, the rest typing this out.
Edited on October 4, 2023, 6:25 am
Posted by broll
on 2023-10-04 06:20:32 |