Find eight 11-digit pandigital primes P<Q<R<S<T<U<V<W that can be written in a column so that each of the first 10 columns of digits has 8 distinct digits.
Find the set with smallest W.
(1) The eight pandigital primes are in base 10.
(2) Zeroes are allowed.
W = 80112345679
This is also the smallest 11 digit pandigital prime that
begins with 8.... An example solution, the one with not
just the lowest W values but with the lowest
V, U, ... & P values, is shown below.
The third column gives the place on the n.txt
list of primes beginning with 8..., 7..., 6... etc.
e.g. the first row gives the 1st example of an 11
digit pandigital prime so the place is "1"
prime n place on n.txt list
80112345679 8 1
71021436589 7 72649
62230518947 6 174388
53405127869 5 306236
44356081729 4 361721
35547860219 3 297199
26778903451 2 563309
17683254109 1 539288
There are more than 10 million solutions
beginning with 80112345679
The method is explained in comments in
my solutions to the two related Perplexus
Edited on December 12, 2023, 11:26 pm