The word
consummate may be divided into three parts i.e. con sum mate, each of the three being a legitimate non-esoteric English word.
Please provide more words possessing such feature. The more the merrier,
the longer the better.
(In reply to
longer list by Charlie)
emulations emu lati ons
entertainers enter tain ers
environmentally environ men tally
everlasting ever las ting
everlastings ever las tings
exonerated exon era ted
exonerating exon era ting
expatriated expat ria ted
expatriating expat ria ting
exposition expo sit ion
expositions expo sit ions
extortionate extort ion ate
extradition extra dit ion
extraditions extra dit ions
extrapolate extra pol ate
extrapolates extra pol ates
eyeballing eye bal ling
fashionably fash ion ably
fatherhood fat her hood
fatherland fat her land
fatherland fat herl and
fatherlands fat her lands
fatherlands fat herl ands
federalist fed era list
federalists fed era lists
fermenting fer men ting
firecrackers fire crack ers
firefighters fire fight ers
flamboyant flam boy ant
fluorescent flu ore scent
fluorescent flu ores cent
forbiddings for bid dings
forefather fore fat her
forefathers fore fat hers
foreshadow fore sha dow
foreshadowed fore sha dowed
foreshadowed fore shad owed
foreshadowed fores had owed
foreshadowing fore sha dowing
foreshadowing fore shad owing
foreshadowing fores had owing
foreshadows fore sha dows
foretasted for etas ted
foretasted fore tas ted
foretasting for eta sting
foretasting for etas ting
foretasting fore tas ting
foretelling fore tel ling
forethought for eth ought
forgetfulness for get fulness
forgiveness for given ess
formations for mat ions
formidable for mid able
fourteenth four tee nth
fragmented frag men ted
fragmenting frag men ting
friendliness friend lin ess
frostbitten frost bit ten
fundamentals fund ament als
furthering fur the ring
goalkeepers goal keep ers
godfathers god fat hers
godmothers god mot hers
godmothers god moth ers
grandfathers grand fat hers
grandmothers grand mot hers
grandmothers grand moth ers
grandstanding grands tan ding
grasshopper grass hop per
greediness gree din ess
guarantors guar ant ors
hairdressers hair dress ers
hallmarking hall mar king
hamburgers ham burg ers
hardliners hard lin ers
haughtiness haugh tin ess
headquarters head quart ers
heartbroken heart bro ken
hereabouts here abo uts
hereafters here aft ers
hippopotamus hippo pot amus
hippopotamuses hippo pot amuses
hoarseness hoar sen ess
hobgoblins hob gob lins
homesteading homes tea ding
hoodwinking hood win king
housekeepers house keep ers
hullabaloo hull aba loo
hullabaloos hull aba loos
humanities hum ani ties
humiliated hum ilia ted
humiliating hum ilia ting
hypertension hyper tens ion
hyphenates hyp hen ates
hypotenuse hypo ten use
hypotenuses hypo ten uses
icebreakers ice break ers
impassable imp ass able
implacable imp lac able
impregnated imp regna ted
impregnates imp reg nates
impregnating imp regna ting
impressionable impress ion able
imprinting imp rin ting
improbabilities imp rob abilities
improbability imp rob ability
improbably imp rob ably
infinitesimals infinite sim als
innkeepers inn keep ers
inspectors ins pec tors
instilling ins til ling
intercepted inter cep ted
intercepting inter cep ting
interchangeable inter change able
interlopers inter lop ers
intermission inter miss ion
intermissions inter miss ions
internationally inter nation ally
internationals inter nation als
intersected inter sec ted
intersecting inter sec ting
interspersing inters per sing
interstellar inters tel lar
interventions inter vent ions
interviewers inter view ers
intimation inti mat ion
intimations inti mat ions
intimidate inti mid ate
intimidates inti mid ates
introductions intro duct ions
jaywalkers jay walk ers
keyboarding key boar ding
kindergarten kinder gar ten
kindergartens kinder gar tens
kingfishers king fish ers
kneecapped knee cap ped
kneecapping knee cap ping
knowledgeable know ledge able
laboratories lab ora tories
lacerating lac era ting
laceration lace rat ion
lacerations lace rat ions
landowners land own ers
lateraling lat era ling
leapfrogged leap frog ged
liberating lib era ting
lieutenant lieu ten ant
lieutenants lieu ten ants
lipsticking lips tic king
liveliness live lin ess
locomotion loco mot ion
loneliness lone lin ess
longshoreman long shore man
longshoremen long shore men
loudspeakers loud speak ers
loveliness love lin ess
maintainability main tain ability
maintainable main tain able
maintainers main tain ers
manageable man age able
managerial man age rial
manhandled man hand led
manhandling man hand ling
mantelpiece man tel piece
mantelpieces man tel pieces
massacring mas sac ring
masticates mas tic ates
materialism mate rial ism
materialist mate ria list
materialists mate ria lists
medallions med all ions
mentalities men tali ties
messengers mess eng ers
metamorphose meta morph ose
metamorphoses meta morph oses
metamorphosis meta morpho sis
methodology met hod ology
microbiology micro bio logy
microfilmed micro fil med
micrometers micro met ers
microorganism micro organ ism
migrations mig rat ions
miscellany mis cell any
misconception mis concept ion
misconceptions mis concept ions
misconduct mis con duct
misconducted mis con ducted
misconducting mis con ducting
misconducts mis con ducts
misconstrue mis cons true
misconstrued mis cons trued
misconstrues mis cons trues
misconstruing mis cons truing
misdirection mis direct ion
misfitting mis fit ting
misfortunes mis for tunes
misunderstandings mis under standings
mockingbird moc king bird
mockingbirds moc king birds
moderating mod era ting
moderators mod era tors
moderators mode rat ors
monarchies mon arc hies
monogrammed mono gram med
monolithic mono lit hic
monotonically mono tonic ally
mosquitoes mos quit oes
mothballed moth bal led
mothballing moth bal ling
motherhood mot her hood
motionless mot ion less
nearsighted near sigh ted
neckerchiefs necker chi efs
newfangled new fan gled
newfangled new fang led
newscasters news cast ers
nightclubbed night club bed
nightingale nigh tin gale
nightingale nigh ting ale
nightingales nigh tin gales
nightingales nigh ting ales
nineteenth nine tee nth
northeastern nor the astern
northeastern north east ern
northwestern north west ern
noticeboard not ice board
noticeboards not ice boards
nutcrackers nut crack ers
orchestras orc hest ras
orchestrate orc hest rate
orchestrated orc hest rated
orchestrates orc hest rates
orchestrating orc hest rating
orchestration orc hest ration
orchestrations orc hest rations
outfitting out fit ting
outlasting out las ting
outnumbers out numb ers
outputting out put ting
outsmarted outs mar ted
outsmarting outs mar ting
outstation out stat ion
outstation outs tat ion
outstations out stat ions
outstations outs tat ions
outstripped out strip ped
outstripped outs trip ped
outstripping out strip ping
outstripping outs trip ping
outwitting out wit ting
overburden over bur den
overburdens over bur dens
overburdens over burd ens
overcharged over char ged
overcrowding over crow ding
overlapped over lap ped
overlapping over lap ping
overpowers over pow ers
oversampling over samp ling
oversampling overs amp ling
overshadow over sha dow
overshadowed over sha dowed
overshadowed over shad owed
overshadowed overs had owed
overshadowing over sha dowing
overshadowing over shad owing
overshadowing overs had owing
overshadows over sha dows
overshooting over shoo ting
oversleeping overs lee ping
overstepped over step ped
overstepping over step ping
overthrowing over thro wing
paddocking pad doc king
pallbearers pall bear ers
panhandled pan hand led
panhandling pan hand ling
paratroopers para troop ers
pardonable par don able
parishioners parish ion ers
parsonages par son ages
passageway pas sage way
passageway pass age way
passageways pas sage ways
passageways pass age ways
pathetically path etic ally
patriotism pat riot ism
penmanship pen man ship
penmanship pen mans hip
pensioners pens ion ers
penthouses pen tho uses
peppermint pep per mint
peppermints pep per mints
percentages per cent ages
percolated per cola ted
percolates per col ates
percolating per cola ting
percolator per cola tor
percolators per cola tors
percussion per cuss ion
perforated per fora ted
perforates per for ates
perforating per fora ting
performers per form ers
perimeters peri met ers
periodicals per iodic als
periodicals peri odic als
permissions per miss ions
perpetrate per pet rate
perpetrated per pet rated
perpetrates per pet rates
perpetrating per pet rating
persecution perse cut ion
persecutions perse cut ions
persecutors perse cut ors
persisting per sis ting
personable per son able
pesticides pes tic ides
petticoats pet tic oats
photographer photog rap her
photographers photo graph ers
photographers photog rap hers
photosynthesis photo syn thesis
phototypesetter photo type setter
pictorials pic tori als
pigeonhole pig eon hole
pigeonholed pig eon holed
pigeonholes pig eon holes
pigeonholing pig eon holing
pitchforking pitch for king
plantation plan tat ion
plantations plan tat ions
platformed plat for med
pockmarking pock mar king
policewoman pol ice woman
policewomen pol ice women
pollinates pol lin ates
pomegranate pome gran ate
pomegranates pome gran ates
portrayals port ray als
postmarking post mar king
postmasters post mast ers
priesthoods pries tho ods
procession pro cess ion
processionals pro cession als
processionals process ion als
processions pro cess ions
productions pro duct ions
profanities prof ani ties
professionally profess ion ally
professions pro fess ions
professions prof ess ions
professors pro fess ors &n
Posted by Charlie
on 2024-01-17 08:31:52 |