The word
consummate may be divided into three parts i.e. con sum mate, each of the three being a legitimate non-esoteric English word.
Please provide more words possessing such feature. The more the merrier,
the longer the better.
(In reply to
re: longer list continued by Charlie)
professors pro fess ors
professors prof ess ors
profundities pro fundi ties
proliferate pro life rate
proliferate pro lifer ate
proliferated pro life rated
proliferates pro life rates
proliferates pro lifer ates
proliferating pro life rating
promontories pro mon tories
promontory pro mon tory
promotions pro mot ions
pronouncement pro noun cement
pronouncements pro noun cements
propagated prop aga ted
propagating prop aga ting
propellers prop ell ers
proportionally pro portion ally
proportionals pro portion als
proportionate pro portion ate
propositions pro posit ions
propulsion pro puls ion
prosecutions prose cut ions
prosecutor pros ecu tor
prosecutors pros ecu tors
prosecutors prose cut ors
prospected pro spec ted
prospected pros pec ted
prospecting pro spec ting
prospecting pros pec ting
prospector pro spec tor
prospector pros pec tor
prospectors pro spec tors
prospectors pros pec tors
protestant pro test ant
protractors pro tract ors
provisionally pro vision ally
psychoanalysis psycho ana lysis
psychologically psycho logic ally
pulsations pul sat ions
pulsations pul sati ons
quarantine qua ran tine
quarantined qua ran tined
quarantines qua ran tines
quarantining qua ran tining
quintuplet quin tup let
quintuplets quin tup lets
ragamuffins raga muff ins
ramrodding ram rod ding
ransacking ran sac king
rationales rat ion ales
readjusted read jus ted
readjusting read jus ting
reallocated real loca ted
reallocating real loca ting
reappeared reap pea red
reappearing reap pea ring
rebellions reb ell ions
recessions rec ess ions
recondition recon dit ion
reconditions recon dit ions
reconsidered rec onside red
reconsidered recon side red
reconsidering rec onside ring
reconsidering recon side ring
recoverable rec over able
redressing red res sing
regressing reg res sing
regrettable reg ret table
reincarnate rein carn ate
reincarnates rein car nates
reincarnates rein carn ates
reincarnation rein car nation
reincarnations rein car nations
reinforcement rein for cement
reinforcements rein for cements
repatriated rep atria ted
repatriating rep atria ting
replenishes rep lenis hes
repressing rep res sing
reprimands rep rim ands
reprinting rep rin ting
reproductions repro duct ions
reprogrammed repro gram med
retrospected retro spec ted
retrospected retros pec ted
retrospecting retro spec ting
retrospecting retros pec ting
returnable ret urn able
returnables ret urn ables
reverberated reverb era ted
reverberating reverb era ting
ringleaders ring lead ers
roadblocking road bloc king
romantically rom antic ally
romantically roman tic ally
roundabouts round abo uts
safeguarding safe guar ding
salesperson sales per son
salespersons sales per sons
sandbagged sand bag ged
sandpapers sand pap ers
satisfactions satis fact ions
scapegoated scape goa ted
scapegoating scape goa ting
scatterbrains scatter bra ins
schoolteachers school teach ers
scriptwriters script writ ers
seasonable sea son able
secretions sec ret ions
segmenting seg men ting
segregates seg reg ates
semicolons semi col ons
semiconductors semi conduct ors
semifinals semi fin als
sensations sen sat ions
sensations sen sati ons
serviceable ser vice able
serviceman ser vice man
servicemen ser vice men
seventeenth seven tee nth
shopkeepers shop keep ers
shoplifters shop lift ers
sidestepped side step ped
sidestepping side step ping
skateboarding skate boar ding
skyscrapers sky scrap ers
smithereens smit here ens
smithereens smith ere ens
snowballed snow bal led
snowballing snow bal ling
soldiering sol die ring
sophomores sop homo res
southeastern sou the astern
southeastern south east ern
southerners south ern ers
southwestern south west ern
spectators spec tat ors
speedometers speedo met ers
spellbinding spell bin ding
spokesperson spokes per son
spokespersons spokes per sons
sportsmanship sports man ship
sportsmanship sports mans hip
starvation star vat ion
statesmanship states man ship
statesmanship states mans hip
steamrollers steam roll ers
stenographers steno graph ers
stockholders stock hold ers
storekeepers store keep ers
subcommittee sub commit tee
subcommittees sub commit tees
subjugated sub juga ted
subjugates sub jug ates
subjugating sub juga ting
subletting sub let ting
submissions sub miss ions
subprogram sub pro gram
subprogram sub prog ram
subscribers subs crib ers
subscriptions sub script ions
subsection sub sect ion
subsections sub sect ions
subsisting sub sis ting
subtraction sub tract ion
subtractions sub tract ions
summonsing sum mon sing
sunflowers sun flow ers
superimpose supe rim pose
superimpose super imp ose
superimposed supe rim posed
superimposes supe rim poses
superimposes super imp oses
superimposing supe rim posing
superstars sup ers tars
superstars sup erst ars
superstition supers tit ion
superstitions supers tit ions
superstitions supers titi ons
supplanted sup plan ted
supplanting sup plan ting
supplemented supple men ted
supplementing supple men ting
supposition sup posit ion
suppositions sup posit ions
surfboarding surf boar ding
synthesizers syn the sizers
synthetics syn the tics
tabulation tabu lat ion
telepathic tele pat hic
televisions tele vis ions
temperamental temp era mental
temptations temp tat ions
tenderness tend ern ess
thesauruses the sau ruses
thirteenth thir tee nth
thoroughbred tho rough bred
thoroughbred thoro ugh bred
timekeepers time keep ers
titillates tit ill ates
tormenting tor men ting
tormentors tor men tors
trademarking trade mar king
transferable trans fer able
transformations trans format ions
transformers trans form ers
translators trans lat ors
transliteration trans lite ration
transplanted trans plan ted
transplanting trans plan ting
transportable trans port able
trigonometry trigo nome try
typewriters type writ ers
unadulterated unadult era ted
undercurrent under cur rent
undercurrents under cur rents
undercutting under cut ting
understandably under stand ably
underwritten under writ ten
undesirables unde sir ables
unspeakable uns peak able
unstablest uns tab lest
upstanding ups tan ding
upstarting ups tar ting
vacillates vac ill ates
wallpapers wall pap ers
warrantied war ran tied
warranties war ran ties
warranting war ran ting
warrantying war ran tying
wastelands was tel ands
waterlogged water log ged
watermarking water mar king
watermelons water mel ons
weekending wee ken ding
wheelbarrow wheel bar row
wheelbarrows wheel bar rows
whereabouts where abo uts
whitewashes white was hes
wholehearted whole hear ted
wholesalers whole sal ers
wildcatted wild cat ted
wildcatting wild cat ting
wilderness wild ern ess
wildernesses wild ern esses
windmilled wind mil led
windmilling wind mil ling
windowpane win dow pane
windowpanes win dow panes
withdrawals with draw als
woodpeckers wood peck ers
workmanship work man ship
workmanship work mans hip
Posted by Charlie
on 2024-01-17 08:32:54 |