The girls:
• Alice, Ann, Caroline, Louise, Mary, Martha, Rose.
The boys:
• Andrew, Charles, David, John, Paul, Peter, Richard.
There are seven houses on each side of the street. Each person lives alone in one of them. If the following additional information is also known:
- Mary lives next to a girl.
- John lives diagonally across from two boys.
- Richard lives next to Charles.
- Ann and Martha live on different sides of the street.
- Caroline lives between two boys.
- There are more boys than girls on the side where David lives.
- Rose lives across from Ann.
- Alice lives on a corner.
- Charles lives mid-block.
- Andrew lives across from Alice.
- Paul lives across from Mary.
- Martha lives diagonally across from Caroline.
- Richard lives across from Martha.
- Louise lives as close to Rose, as Charles to Andrew.
- Mary and Caroline live on the same side of the street.
- Ann lives on a corner.