I met two natives on an island - Benny and Lenny. They are either a knight, a liar or a knave. Knights always tell the truth, liars always lie and knaves alternate between truth and lie. They tell me this:
Benny : We are both of the same type.
Lenny : I am a knave.
Benny : Lenny is a liar.
A knight then tells me what Lenny is. From this I was able to work out what they were.
What are Benny and Lenny?
Got the solution !
Benny's a Knave and Lenny's ia a Liar.
Thought process:
Given the problem there are three possible combinations:
Benny Lenny
Liar Knave
Knave Liar
Knave Knave
If one knows that Lenny is a Liar then only can she figure out what Benny is , hence the answer