Find the smallest distinct positive integers, M and N such that you can rearrange the digits of M to get N, and you can rearrange the digits of M
3 to get N
3. [Leading zeroes are not allowed.]
The smallest is:
(M,N) = (101, 110)
(M^3,N^3) = (1030301, 1331000)
And the next is:
(M,N) = (102, 201)
(M^3,N^3) = (1061208, 8120601)
Algorithm notes:
To determine if the digits are a rearrangement, encode each integer or cube to a string of its alphabetically sorted digits - after sorting, there may be a leading zero, so this 'key' needs to be a string rather than an integer.
For integers up to 1000, 84% have a "buddy", or can be converted to another integer by rearranging the digits.
But this is only true for 4% of cubes of integers up to 1000.
Make the first filter: eliminating cube "keys" which only have a single cube associated with them.
big = 1000
numbDict = {}
cubeDict = {}
for k in range(1,big):
kCubed = k**3
numbKey = ''.join(sorted(str(k)))
cubeKey = ''.join(sorted(str(kCubed)))
if numbKey not in numbDict:
numbDict[numbKey] = [k]
if cubeKey not in cubeDict:
cubeDict[cubeKey] = [kCubed]
for k,v in cubeDict.items():
if len(v) == 1:
these_N_keys = []
thesenumbs = []
for cub in v:
n = round(cub**(1/3))
keyOfN = ''.join(sorted(str(n)))
if len(these_N_keys) == len(set(these_N_keys)):
print('M and N are among:', thesenumbs )
print('The cubes are among:', v)
Posted by Larry
on 2024-03-22 09:09:45 |