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Inscribed Octagon (Posted on 2024-06-11) Difficulty: 3 of 5
An octagon which has side lengths 3, 3, 11, 11, 15, 15, 15 and 15 is inscribed in a circle. Find the area of the octagon.

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Solution computer-aided solution | Comment 1 of 3
The program tries different radii for the circumscribing circle to home in on where the calculated isoscelese triangles (formed from adjacent right triangles) have their apex angles total 360°.

side=[ 3, 3, 11, 11, 15, 15, 15,15];

for r= 14.577379737113:.00000000000001:14.577379737114
  totArea=0; totAngle=0;
  for i=1:length(side)
  fprintf('%15.13f %15.13f %15.13f\n',r,totArea,totAngle);

is the final version narrowing in on the following inclueded output:

Radius of circle Area of Octagon   Verification of
                                  total central angle
14.5773797371132 77.7917582206420 360.0000000000003
14.5773797371133 77.7917582206420 360.0000000000001
14.5773797371133 77.7917582206420 359.9999999999998
14.5773797371133 77.7917582206420 359.9999999999994

the desired area is 77.7917582206420.

  Posted by Charlie on 2024-06-11 12:44:37
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